
Tate Papers ISSN 1753-9854

Selected Bibliography

Walter Benjamin, ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ (1936), reprinted in Illuminations, trans. Harry Zohn, London 1999, pp.211-44.

Alison Bracker and Rachel Barker, ‘Beuys is Dead: Long Live Beuys! Characterising Volition, Longevity, and Decision-Making in the Work of Joseph Beuys’, Tate Papers, Autumn 2005

Cesari Brandi, Theory of Restoration (1963), trans. Cynthia Rockwell, Florence 2005.

Martha Buskirk, The Contingent Object of Contemporary Art, Cambridge, MA 2003.

David E.W. Fenner, ed., Ethics and the Arts: An Anthology, London 1995.

Philip Fisher, Making and Effacing Art: Modern American Art in a Culture of Museums, Cambridge, MA 1991.

Tina Fiske, Taking Stock: A Study of the Acquisition and Long Term Care of ‘Non-Traditional’ Contemporary Artworks by British Regional Collections 1979 – Present, PhD thesis, unpublished, University of Glasgow 2004.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, ‘The Birthmark’, published in The Pioneer, March 1843; and ‘The Artist of the Beautiful’, 1844.

Jackie Heuman, ed., From Marble to Chocolate: the Conservation of Modern Sculpture, London 1995.

Jackie Heuman, ed., Material Matters: The Conservation of Modern Sculpture, London 1999.

Isjbrand Hummelen and Dionne Sillé, eds., Modern Art: Who Cares? An Interdisciplinary Research Project and an International Symposium on the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art, ´¡³¾²õ³Ù±ð°ù»å²¹³¾Ìý1999.

Esther Leslie, Synthetic Worlds, London 2005.

Stephen Melville, ed., The Lure of the Object, Williamstown 2005.

Helen Molesworth, et al, Part Object Part Sculpture, Penn State 2005.

, drafted following Nara Conference on Authenticity in Relation to the World Heritage Convention, 1994: 

David Phillips, Exhibiting Authenticity, Manchester 1997.

Nicholas Stanley Price, M. Kirby Talley and Alessandro Melucco Vaccaro, eds., Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Los Angeles 1996.

Alois Riegl, ‘The Modern Cult of Monuments: Its Character and Its Origin’ (1903), reprinted in Oppositions (Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies Journal), vol.25, fall 1982, pp.21–51 (also reprinted in K.M. Hays, ed., Oppositions Reader, Princeton, 1998).
