
Practice as Research

Supporting the development of professional practice as research within Tate's Learning Department

Rachel Noel, Curator, Young People’s Programmes, Learning, Tate and Adrian Shaw, Curator Late at Tate Britain, Learning, Tate

Chris Follows, Digital Learning Manager, Learning, Teaching & Enhancement, Camberwell, Chelsea & Wimbledon, University of the Arts London. (Tate Exchange Associate)

Jessie McLaughlin, Curator, Early Years & Family, Learning, Tate

Alex Schady, Fine Art Programme Leader, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. (Tate Exchange Associate)

Jo Addison, Course Leader, BA Fine Art, Kingston School of Art, Kingston University (Tate Exchange Associate) and Natasha Kidd, Course Leader, BA Fine Art, Bath School of Art and Design, Bath Spa University (Tate Exchange Associate)

Tate Research Centre: Learning aims to develop rigorous reflective practice across the Tate Learning team. Through this we aim to identify, support and make visible how gallery education practice can be understood and experienced as a research-led activity. Supporting the development of professional practice as research in the Learning Department includes the development of:

  • Practitioner-researchers through professional development and the advocacy of rigorous reflective practice
  • Research events that generate and share new knowledge on key issues and concerns relevant to researchers, practitioners, artists and educators in the field
  • Innovative methods to disseminate and share learning and resources to support research across the sector

As part of this activity, Tate Research Centre: Learning produced a series of filmed interviews during the first year of Tate Exchange. Scroll through the video slideshow above to view them.

Tate Exchange is a programme that seeks to explore the role of art in society. The programme includes international artists, contributors from different fields, the public, and over 50 Associates, who work within and beyond the arts, on creating 9 months of participatory programmes, workshops, activities and debates. In these films curators and Associates share their creative ideas and inspirations behind the programme, by talking through their research and process they reveal what influenced their thinking and approach to their projects.

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