
In Focus


Books and exhibition catalogues

1822 Description de l’Égypte ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ontété faites en Égypte pendant l’expedition de l’Armée francaise publié sous les ordres de Napoléon Bonaparte, Paris 1822.

1854 Owen Jones and Joseph Bonomi, Description of the Egyptian Court Erected in the Crystal Palace, London 1854.

1856 Owen Jones, The Grammar of Ornament, London 1856.

1857 François Auguste Ferdinand Mariette, Le Sérapéum de Memphis découvert et décrit par A. Mariette, Paris 1857.

1899 Wilhelm Max Müller, Die Liebespoesie der alten Ägypter, Leipzig 1899.

1920 A. Wiedemann, Das alte Ägypten, Heidelberg 1920.

1929 Isabel McAllister, Alfred Gilbert, London 1929.

1935 H.J.L.J. Massé,The Art Workers Guild 1884–1934, Oxford 1935.

1982 James Stevens Curl,The Egyptian Revival: An Introductory Study of a Recurring Theme in the History of Taste, London 1982.
Benedict Read, Victorian Sculpture, New Haven and London 1982.

1983 Susan Beattie, The New Sculpture, New Haven and London 1983.

1985 Richard Dorment, Alfred Gilbert, New Haven and London 1985.

1986 Richard Dorment, Alfred Gilbert: Sculptor and Goldsmith, London 1986.

1990 Vern G. Swanson, The Biography and Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, London 1990.

1991 Lise Manniche, Music and Musicians in Ancient Egypt, London 1991.

1993 Gay Robins, Women in Ancient Egypt, London 1993.

1994 J.-M. Humbert, M. Pantazzi and C. Ziegler, Egyptomania: Egypt in Western Art 1730–1930, exhibition catalogue, Musée du Louvre, Paris 1994.

1996 Andreas Bluhm (ed.), The Colour of Sculpture 1840–1910, Amsterdam and Leeds 1996.
Patrick F. Houlihan, The Animal World of Pharaohs, London 1996.

1997 Neal Spencer, The Gayer-Anderson Cat, London 1997.

1999 Andrew Clay, British Sculpture in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool 1999.
Francesco Tirradritti, Egyptian Treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Vercelli 1999.

2000 Martina Droth, Jason Edwards, David J. Getsy and Matthew Withey, The Cult of the Statuette in Late Victorian Britain, Leeds 2000.

2004 Des dieux, des tombeaux, un savant. En Égypte, sur les pas de Mariette pacha, exhibition catalogue, Musée du Louvre, Paris 2004.
David J. Getsy, Body Doubles: Sculpture in Britain, 1877–1905, New Haven and London 2004.
Jan Piggott, Palace of the People: The Crystal Palace at Sydenham 1854–1936, London 2004.
Scott Trafton, Egypt Land, Durham 2004.

2005 Christine Barthe, Laure de Margerie and Edouard Papet (eds.), Facing the Other: Charles Cordier (1827–1905): Ethnographic Sculptor, Paris 2005.
Andrew Bednarski, Holding Egypt: Tracing the Reception of the ‘Description de l’Égypte’ in Nineteenth-Century Great Britain, London 2005.
Ian Leith, Delamotte’s Crystal Palace: A Victorian Pleasure Dome Revealed, Swindon 2005.
Catherine H. Roehrig, Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh, exhibition catalogue, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 2005.

2006 Stephanie Moser, Ancient Egypt at the British Museum, Chicago and London 2006.

2007 Marsha Hill (ed.), Gifts for the Gods: Images from Egyptian Temples, New York 2007.

2008 R.B. Parkinson, The Painted Tomb-Chapel of Nebamun: Masterpieces of Ancient Egyptian Art in the British Museum, London 2008.
Christiane Ziegler, Queens of Egypt From Hetepheres to Cleopatra, Paris 2008.


1888 Edward Onslow Ford, ‘Modern Renaissance in Sculpture’, Transactions of the National Association for the Advancement of Art and its Application to Industry, London 1888, unpaginated.

1889 Anon., ‘Around the Artist’s Studios: A Forecast – IV: At Mr. Onslow Ford’s’, PallMall Gazette, 12 April 1889, unpaginated.
Anon., ‘Royal Academy’, Illustrated London News, 25 May 1889, p.654.
Anon., ‘Royal Academy’, Observer, 26 May 1889, p.3.
Anon., ‘The Sculpture of the Season’, Standard, 17 June 1889, p.2.
Anon., ‘Pictures of the Year IV’, Graphic, 22 June 1889, unpaginated.
Anon., ‘The Royal Academy’, The Times, 29 June 1889, p.17.

1890 Walter Armstrong, ‘Edward Onslow Ford A.R.A.’, Portfolio, vol.21, January 1890, pp.67–71.

1892 Anon., ‘Current Art, the Royal Academy Exhibition II’, Magazine of Art, vol.26,1892, pp.393–404.
Marion Hepworth Dixon, ‘Onslow Ford, A.R.A.’, Magazine of Art, vol.20, January 1892, pp.325–30.

1893 Anon., ‘Private Views in Artist’s Studios – II: Mr Onslow Ford, ARA’, Pall Mall Gazette, 22 March 1893, unpaginated.
Anon., ‘Royal Academy’, Manchester Guardian, 6 May 1893, p.9.
Anon., in County Gentleman: A Sporting Gazette and Agricultural Journal, and The Man About Town, 6 May 1893, p.558.
Anon., ‘The Royal Academy’, Leeds Mercury, 16 May 1893, unpaginated.
Anon., ‘The Royal Academy III’, Graphic, 20 May 1893, unpaginated.
Anon., ‘The Royal Academy’, The Times, 24 May 1893, p.13.
Anon., ‘The Royal Academy’, Illustrated London News, 27 May 1893, p.638.
Anon., ‘Pictures in the Royal Academy’, Illustrated London News, 22 July 1893, p.101.

1894 Edmund Gosse, ‘The New Sculpture’, Art Journal, vol.14, July 1894, pp.282–92, 306–7.

1895 Edmund Gosse, ‘The Place of Sculpture in Daily Life: Sculpture for the House’, Magazine of Art, vol.19, January 1895, pp.368–72.
Anon., ‘The Royal Academy’, Leeds Mercury, 16 May 1895, unpaginated.
Anon., ‘Mr. Edward Onslow Ford, R.A.’, Builders’ Journal, 6 August 1895, unpaginated.

1898 A.C.R. Carter, ‘The Royal Academy 1898’, Art Journal, vol.157, June 1898, pp.161–84.
Marion Hepworth Dixon, ‘Onslow Ford, RA’, Art Journal, vol.157, October 1898, pp.294–6.

1900 Marion Hepworth Dixon, ‘Onslow Ford, R.A.: An Imaginative Sculptor’, Architectural Review, vol.8, 1900, pp.257–63.

1901 M.H. Spielmann, ‘Edward Onslow Ford, R.A. 1875’, British Sculpture and Sculptors of To-Day, London 1901, pp.51–63.

1902 Frank Rinder, ‘Edward Onslow Ford, R.A.’, Art Journal, vol.63, February 1902, pp.59–62.
M.H. Spielmann, ‘Edward Onslow Ford, R.A.: In Memoriam’, Magazine of Art, vol.26, January 1902, pp.181–4.

1945 Miriam Lichtheim, ‘The Songs of the Harpers’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol.4, no.3, July 1945, pp.178–212.

1978 Francis Haskell, ‘The Shelley Memorial’, Oxford Art Journal, vol.1, no.1, 1978, pp.3–6.

1995 Anon., ‘Young Conservator of the Year’, Museums Journal, June 1995, p.12.
Phillipa Laurenson, ‘Case Study of a Nineteenth-Century Bronze Sculpture with a Decorative Resin Inlay’, in Jackie Heuman (ed.), From Marble to Chocolate: The Conservation of Modern Sculpture, London 1995, pp.15–22.

1996 Caroline Boyle-Turner, ‘Cloisonnism’, Grove Dictionary of Art, vol.7, London 1996, pp.451–2.

1999 Pip Laurenson, ‘The Singer’, Material Matters: The Conservation of Modern Sculpture, London 1999, pp.34–41.

2001 Margaret Macdonald, ‘The Pettigrew Sisters’, in Jill Berk Jiminez (ed.), Dictionary of Artists’ Models, London 2001, pp.422–6.

2002 Jason Edwards, ‘An Entirely Unimportant Deviation?: Aestheticism and the CriticalLocation of the Statuette in Fin de Siècle Britain’, Sculpture Journal, vol.7, Spring 2002, pp.58–70.
David J. Getsy, ‘Hard Realism: The Thanatic Corporeality of Edward Onslow Ford’s “Shelley Memorial”’, Visual Culture in Britain, vol.3, no.1, April 2002, pp.53–76.

2003 S. La Niece, F. Shearman, J. Taylor and A. Simpson, ‘Polychromy and Egyptian Bronze: New Evidence for Artificial Coloration’, Studies in Conservation, vol.47, 2003, pp.95–108.

2004 Penelope Curtis, ‘How Direct Carving Stole the Idea of Modern British Sculpture’, in David J. Getsy (ed.), Sculpture and the Pursuit of a Modern Ideal in Britain, c.1880–1930, Aldershot 2004, pp.291–316.
Mark Stocker, ‘Edward Onslow Ford’,Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford 2004, p.303.

2005 David J. Getsy, ‘Privileging the Object of Sculpture: Actuality and Harry Bates’s “Pandora”’, Art History, vol.28. no.1, February 2005, pp.74–95.
Barbara Lawson, ‘The Artist as Ethnographer: Charles Cordier and Race in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France’, Art Bulletin, vol.87, no.4, December 2005, pp.714–22.

2007 G. Alex Bremner, ‘Between Civilization and Barbarity: Conflicting Perceptions ofthe Non-European world in William Theed’s Africa, 1864–69’, Sculpture Journal, vol.16. no.1, Spring 2007, pp.94–102.
John Kenworthy-Browne, ‘Plaster Casts for the Crystal Palace, Sydenham’, Sculpture Journal, vol.15, no.2, 2007, pp.173–99.
