Filmed on the streets of Hamburg, between parked cars with a cast consisting of friends, students and a large German Shepherd, Kristl’s monumental film Tod Dem Zuschauer / Death To The Audience challenges all expectations one might have about making and watching a film. Kristl rebels against the fixed functions modes of spectatorship; it is ‘a non-film for non-viewers.’ The long takes and street actions, in which the cast perpetually wait for the filming to begin, gives way to drawings and animation that reflect on Kristl’s life and experience as in political exile in Germany. Shown together with the Die Verräter des jungen deutschen Films schlafen nicht / Traitors of the Young German Film Aren't Asleep 1982 his masterful oblique animation criticising the failed promises and conformity of filmmaking.
Tod Dem Zuschauer / Death To The Audience
Vlado Kristl, West Germany 1984, colour, 102 min
Die Verräter des jungen deutschen Films schlafen nicht / Traitors of the Young German Film Aren't Asleep
Vlado Kristl, West Germany 1982, colour, 6 min
Programme duration: 108 min
Vlado Kristl: Death to the Audience is realised with additional support from the Goethe-Institut London and in collaboration with the Munich Film Museum.Â