Join us as we celebrate Merge with a lively performance from Rory More as part of . MERGE is an annual festival supported through Regeneration and Community Partnerships at Tate. It aims to encourage and promote a set of performances, events and happenings which draw on the rich heritage and contemporary culture of Bankside.
Rory More’s Wurlitzer worlds are many and varied; comprising vaguely graspable moments found in dusty canisters of celluloid languishing half-forgotten in a Cinecitta editing suite…
For the past decade or so Rory More has been keeping a medium-cool profile, cultivating a sound curiously seductive and unapologetically magically mood mondo, a man completely ensconced within a uniquely niched jazz pop panoramica. His sounds are those of the nightclub organist swinger par excellence grooving on a riff in an L-shaped room, holding court at a hip gathering at the perfect modernist mad-pad, or soundtracking the two-seater roadster, high up on the sun-drenched Riviera coast road. Hip, hot and swingin’ are more words to describe the sounds of the Rory More electric organ duo – some would say a little big band is more accurate such is the range and visceral nature of their sound.