
Press Release

Tate Online

As part of the Centenary Development Tate is developing a parallel, virtual method of navigating the Tate Collection online. Called Explore Tate Britain, and powered by BTopenworld, this new section of the Tate web site will enable online visitors to interact with the BP Displays via the gallery floor plan (Phase I - November 2001) and through a timeline (Phase II - December 2001). Descriptions of individual artworks will supplement room overviews, offering a historical and cultural context to the displays. Designed to incorporate several layers of information, more material will be added to the site over time, including audio and film, to facilitate different readings from different perspectives.

This exciting new online presentation of Tate Britain’s displays will enable visitors to use the website to prepare for a trip to the gallery. It is also anticipated that people will access the site after visiting the gallery, to find out more about a work as well as to review and reconsider what they’ve seen. But most importantly, the new interface will provide a curated context to the Tate Collection, designed to provide those visitors who can’t travel to Tate Britain with an opportunity to engage with the artworks on display.
