Following recent discussions, the National Gallery and Tate have agreed that the principles governing the historical boundaries of their two collections, which were put in place in 1996, should continue to apply for another 10 years from 2009. The two institutions agree that they should work together in the national and public interests.
The National Gallery recognises that there may be circumstances in which Tate wishes to acquire paintings made in the nineteenth century if they are by artists more normally associated with the twentieth century (eg by Bonnard, Picasso, Matisse). Equally, Tate accepts that the National Gallery may wish to acquire works painted in the early twentieth century by those artists normally associated with the nineteenth century (eg Cezanne, Monet and Renoir) or by artists whose work began in the nineteenth century (eg Bellows, Sickert, Bonnard). In all such circumstances the acquiring institution would consult the other in order to ensure that there is no conflict.
Neither the National Gallery nor Tate need confine their exhibitions to the areas of art which they collect. Tate Britain may wish to hold exhibitions which show British
painting alongside European works of the same date. É«¿Ø´«Ã½ and the National Gallery may wish to show exhibitions devoted to artists who worked in both the nineteenth or twentieth centuries, and the National Gallery may wish to exhibit contemporary painting alongside earlier work, including the work of its Associate Artist.
The National Gallery has no intention to seek bequests or long-term loans of early twentieth-century paintings save those by artists whose career was mainly in the nineteenth century or which spans the century divide. Tate has no intention to seek bequests or long-term loans of late nineteenth-century paintings except those by artists more normally associated with the twentieth century.
Both Tate and the National Gallery have agreed to retain for now the arrangement of loans as agreed in 1996, with the modifications made in recent years.
This understanding will last for ten years from 2009. Tate and National Gallery will consult each other about the boundaries of their collections in good time to reach a further understanding effective for a reasonable period from 2019.