
Paint and draw

Draw a Fairy Tale

Let's do some finger printing and create your favourite fairy tale characters

Photograph of frog and prince fairy tale drawing

Who's your favourite fairy tale character? The Wicked Fairy Godmother or the Big Bad Wolf? How about a wizard, unicorn or dragon? The artist Edward Burne-Jones liked painting fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty. He was part of a group of artists called the Pre-Raphaelites. Their style of paintings made these stories look very real. Can you spot Sleeping Beauty in Burne-Jones's painting called The Rose Bower?

We're going to show you how to create your own fairy tale characters! When you're done you could put on a play or write a new story to go with your characters.


You will need:

  • Some ink pads or coloured paints
  • An apron or old clothes – this is to protect your clothes from getting stained
  • Plain paper
  • Colouring pencils (dark blue works well for the characters)
  • Scissors

Let's start with the frog pRINCE ...

Photograph of materials required

1. Get your materials ready

Photograph of fairy tale activity

2. Make two thumbprints

2. Make two thumbprints

Photograph of fairy tale activity

3. Next, draw two eyes and a smile

Photograph of materials required


4. Add curvy lines for the legs and dots for the toes

Photograph of materials required


5. Next add the crown

Photograph of materials required


6. Good work! You've drawn a frog prince

To create the prince

Photograph of fairy tale activity

1. Make three thumbprints for the body

Photograph of fairy tale activity

2. Add lines for arms and legs

Photograph of fairy tale activity

3. Draw a head and face however you like!

Photograph of the fairy tale activity

4. Add three fingerprints for the shield and two lines to make a sword

Photograph of fairy tale activity

5. Draw three rectangles to create a belt

photograph of fairy tale activity

6. All done and ready to slay a dragon!

To create a unicorn

Photograph of fairy tale activity

1. Make two thumbprints for the head and neck

Photograph of fairy tale activity

2. ADd an eye, nose, ear and big smile!

Photograph of fairy tale activity

3. For the horn, Draw a straight line with a curly line on top. Then add some hair!

Photograph of fairy tale activity

4. Ta-dah! You've drawn a magical unicorn

Why not try other characters ...

Photograph of fairy tale activity

A sparkly fairy ...

Photograph of fairy tale activity

Or a fiery dragon!

Or design a background?

Photograph of fairy tale activity

Choose a scene from your favourite fairy tale or design your own!

Illustration by Lucy Noakes

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