
Cut and paste

Play with Collage

Follow along with the video to make a collage using bold shapes, and a collage portrait

There are two parts to this activity:

1. Collage with shapes

2. Collage portrait (starts at 22 minutes into the video)

what you need

  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Plain or coloured paper
  • Colouring pencils, crayons or felt tips
  • Old magazines, flyers or newspaper. Look for images of things you like or that represent you!

What you will be doing

In this activity you will make two different collages. Kirstie Beaven will show you how to make a collage full of energy by using shapes. She will talk about artists you might want to take as inspiration including Kazimir Malevich, Kara Walker, Jalal Shemza and Eileen Agar. After you've made your shapes collage you will make a portrait by drawing round your head and filling it with all the things you like and think about.

Artists included in the video

A note for teachers

Watching this video your students will generate ideas independently. They will make a creative response drawing on their own experience. They will learn about the concepts of collage, portraits and silhouettes. Taking inspiration from famous artists they will develop a range of ideas.

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