
Art outside

Go on a Colour Walk

Take a colourful treasure hunt walk through your neighborhood or around your house

A close up of a red bollard with a metal chain across it, an orange traffic cone, a yellow plastic electrical cover, green grass, blue metal joinery, light blue arrows spray painted on the ground and purple flowers on brick

Today we’re going to go on a colour walk. What is a colour walk?

A colour walk is a walk where you try to look for all the colours of the rainbow. You might think of it like a treasure hunt, where the treasure is colour!

Artist Richard Long made this piece by walking backwards and forwards along the same path over and over again. Today we’re going to document a walk in a different way. We are going to try and use colours to notice unusual objects and the colours of things all around us! For this walk we are going to focus on each colour of the rainbow, one by one.

Richard Long CBE
A Line Made by Walking (1967)

What you need

  • A grown-up to go with you
  • Your imagination
  • Some concentration
  • Somewhere to go for a walk. This could be outside, along your street, or even around your home. If you go outside, make sure it's safe and you have permission.
  • Optional: A phone, a camera, some paper and some coloured pens, pencils or crayons

Here's some inspiration from a rainbow of artworks:

What to do

Look for things in every colour of the rainbow, one by one. You can photograph or draw each thing you find, write them down, or just look.

It's up to you how many things you want to find in the same colour. At different times of year this activity might look quite different!

If you're playing at home, you could collect a few things of each colour and arrange them.

Let's go!

Red rear car brake light

Let's start with red

silver chain on a red bollard road block

We found natural and man-made things that were red. What can you find?

orange traffic cone

Are all the orange things the same orange?

an orange poppy

Some things might be small

Square yellow electrical or gas plastic flap on the road surrounded by tarmac

What are the things you find made from?

triangular electrical danger sign in yellow with a lightening bolt with an arrow at the end

How do different colours make you feel?

yellow green leaves

Which colour is your favourite?

green grass

We often look at things without really thinking about what colour they are

blue sky with white clouds

Don't forget to look up high

bright blue arrow spray painted markings on tarmac

... and down on the ground

violet flowers growing on a wall

Go through all the colours in the rainbow until you reach pink and purple

purple flowers, close up of an allium

Now you can start again!

After your walk

When you finish your walk you could:

  • draw a map of your walk and add colourful drawings of some of things you saw
  • make a collage of pictures you took
  • make colourful drawings of some of the things you saw together
  • Look back at your photographs and see if you notice anything new about the things you saw

More to explore
