Quiz Quiz: Which Surrealist Artist Are You? <section><h2></h2><p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Which Surrealist Artist Are You?</span></p><p></p><p>Do you like melting clocks and fantastical creatures? Or lobsters in place of telephones?</p><p><br/></p><p>Take this quiz and find out which surrealist artist you’re most like!</p></section><section><h2></h2><p>You are Dorothea Tanning! </p><p></p><p>Dorothea Tanning was a creative force with a clear idea of what she wanted to do. She worked as a poet, a novelist, a painter and a sculptor, but she was also a stage and costume designer! </p><p><br/></p><p>Tanning hated labels more than anything. ‘Artist’s wife,’ ‘female painter’, even ‘surrealist’ were all terms she rejected. </p><p><br/></p><p>Her early paintings were fantastical, such as this one, <em>Eine Kleine Nachtmusik </em>(which means 'a little serenade'). Two girls with hair growing down to the floor or up to the ceiling makes it seem like they are underwater!</p><p><br/></p><p><strong>‘In looking at how many ways paint can flow onto canvas, I began to long for letting it have more freedom’ – Dorothea Tanning</strong></p></section><section><h3></h3><p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">You are Man Ray!</span></p><p></p><p>A Man (ha ha) of many talents, Man Ray made work in lots of different media. However, he is best known for his photography. He even named a type of photographic process after himself – ‘rayographs’.</p><p><br/></p><p>This is a picture of <em>L’Enigme d’Isidore Ducasse</em>. Can you see what’s beneath the blanket? It’s mysterious and even a bit scary as you can’t be sure what’s inside. (But we’ll let you in on the secret – it’s a sewing machine!) </p><p><br/></p><p>Though he wanted to be his own person, his family's work as tailors left a clear mark on his art. Mannequins, irons, sewing machines, needles, pins and fabric appear in almost every medium of his work.</p><p><br/></p><p><strong>‘I like contradictions’ – Man Ray</strong></p></section><section><h3></h3><p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">You are Salvador DalÃ! </span></p><p></p><p>Salvador Dalà was a controversial figure who was labelled the ‘master of surrealism’. He was expelled twice from art school and almost expelled from the surrealist group!</p><p><br/></p><p>Dalà was known for the striking and bizarre images in his work. He said, ‘I try to create … magical things, things like in a dream.’ But sometimes his public actions drew more attention than his art. For example, he once gave a lecture wearing a deep-sea diving suit!</p><p><br/></p><p>DalÃ's <em>Lobster Telephone</em> might be the most famous example of a surrealist object. Surrealist objects place two things side-by-side to make a new meaning. What does the mix of the lobster and the telephone make you think of?</p><p><br/></p><p>Look around you: can you make your own surrealist object by putting two random objects together?</p><p><br/></p><p><strong>'The only difference between a madman and myself is that I am not mad' – Salvador DalÃ</strong></p></section><section><h3></h3><p>You are Leonora Carrington! </p><p></p><p>Leonora Carrington was a British-born Mexican artist and novelist. She rejected the label ‘surrealist’ and refused to explain her work.  </p><p><br/></p><p>As a child, Carrington had visions of ghosts and animals. A tortoise, a horse or a cat could trot through her line of vision. And her paintings are full of eccentric characters. She even wrote a short story about a talking hyena!</p><p><br/></p><p>This painting is called Transference. Can you see how the characters shift between plants, animals, humans, and everything in between?</p><p><br/></p><p><strong>‘People under seventy and over seven are very unreliable if they are not cats' – Leonora Carrington</strong></p></section><section><h2></h2><p>What sort of art do you like best? </p></section><section><h3></h3><p>If you were a surrealist artist, which of these things would you say? </p></section><section><h3></h3><p>When you’re not making art… </p></section><section><h3></h3><p>If you weren’t a surrealist artist, what would you be? </p></section><section><h3></h3><p>How would your best friend describe you? </p></section><section><h3></h3><p>What will you whip up for dinner?</p></section><section><h3></h3><p>What is your favourite animal? </p></section> You might like Left Right Quiz: Which Art Monster Are You? Tate Paint Surrealism Who is Salvador DalÃ? Who is Eileen Agar?