Quiz Quiz: Which Art Movement Are You? <section><p></p><div>Are you lively and loud – and sometimes act a little crazy? Are you sensitive and occasionally moody? Are you geeky and like ideas? Whatever your character, there is a perfect art movement for you! </div><div><br/></div><div>Take this quiz to discover what it is.</div></section><section><h2>Cool – you’re abstract expressionism!</h2><p></p><div>Abstract expressionist artists liked to put across their feelings rather than paint realistic pictures of things they saw. Abstract Expressionist artist Jackson Pollock said 'painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is'. Their art is often expressive and messy, with lots of drips, sploshes and colour. Sound familiar? You like to express yourself – even if that gets messy! You’re spaghetti. You laugh loudly if you’re happy and bawl if you’re sad. Like abstract expressionist artists, you can be a bit moody though, as you’re very sensitive and things affect you deeply. </div><div> </div><div>This painting is by an artist called Lee Krasner. Its gestural style with lots of textures and repeated marks give it a sense of rhythm. Lee Krasner was inspired by nature and lived in the countryside, but was also inspired by modern life. It was important to her that her personality and feelings come across in her artworks. Do you get an idea of what she was like by looking at this painting? </div></section><section><h3>WOW – you’re pop art!</h3><p></p><div>Pop art is bright, fun and in your face. Pop artists made art about everyday things they saw around them. Pop artist Andy Warhol said 'I just happen to like ordinary things…I just try to paint them ordinary-ordinary'. They loved shopping, TV and celebrities. But they were also risk takers. They used things in their art that hadn’t been used before – like cartoons and baked beans! </div><div><br/></div><div>This painting is by pop artist Pauline Boty. It is a painting of a famous film star called Marilyn Monroe. But it isn’t a straight forward portrait. By using bright colours and abstract shapes Pauline Boty has added to the sense of buzz and excitement that surrounds celebrities. If you were painting a pop art portrait of a celebrity, who would you paint?</div></section><section><h3>Oo-er – you’re Dada!</h3><p></p><div>Dada art celebrates nonsense. Dada artists said things like 'Why can't a tree be called Pluplusch?' Like you, Dada is experimental, a bit weird sometimes and can be very funny! You like trying lots of different things – so did Dada artists. They did performances, they made up poetry and they created sculptures, paintings and collages. They also cared about things happening around them. They mocked the stupidity of a society that let terrible things happen – like the First World War. And they were chancers – literally – as they didn't really plan their art, they relied on chance. They just started making it and saw what happened.</div><div><br/></div><div>This collage is by a Dada artist called Raoul Hausmann. Raoul Hausmann used this technique, called photomontage, to express his anger about things. Photomontage is like collage but uses photographs cut from magazines. In this artwork he is criticising people who are greedy and make lots of money from art. What makes you angry? Try making a photomontage to express your feelings.</div></section><section><h3>Hmmm that’s interesting – you’re conceptual art!</h3><p></p><div>Conceptual art is clever and kind of deep – a bit like you! Conceptual artists think that ideas are the most important things. They don’t care so much about whether their art looks good or is well-made – whether it is well painted, well drawn or well sculpted. They also aren’t interested in making art that looks realistic. What is most important to them is that people get their ideas.</div><div><br/></div><div>This is an artwork by a conceptual artist called Keith Arnatt. It is made of two things, a photograph and some writing. Keith Arnatt explores what the word ‘real’ means and questions what ‘real’ art is. Is real art the idea behind the work (as conceptual artists believed) or the art object itself (the painting or sculpture)? </div></section><section><h2>Which of these looks would you rock best?</h2></section><section><h3>How would you describe your personality?</h3></section><section><h3>Hungry? Which of these are you most likely to order in a restaurant?</h3></section><section><h3>Which of these things would you choose to inspire an artwork?</h3></section><section><h3>At a party are you the kid...</h3></section><section><h3>If you were an artist, which of these things would you say:</h3></section><section><h3>What sort of art do you like best?</h3></section><section><h3>Which of these places would you most like to live?</h3></section> You might like Left Right Quiz: Turner, Turnip or Turtle? Swingaling Surrealism Make a Sunset Box