Yes, you can. We welcome gifts that can be spent wherever the need is greatest because they help us carry out the most urgent work. We are thrilled to receive gifts that support an area of our work that is important to you for example, education or conservation. That means you can choose precisely what your money is spent on.
We have prepared information with suggested wording which can be tailored to suit the type of gift you would like to leave Tate. The clauses are of a general nature to ensure that your wishes can be honoured, and your gift will pass to Tate for its charitable purposes. In all cases wording should be carefully reviewed by you and your solicitor in the context of your Will.
Our Legacy Manager would be pleased to provide further advice on wording and to answer in confidence any questions you might have.
If you are thinking of leaving an artwork to Tate in your Will, please contact us in advance so that we can discuss your gift and ensure that Tate will be able to accept your artwork when the time comes. Please note Tate has a responsibility to carefully consider all offers of artworks to determine whether they are suitable for the collection and can be stored, displayed, and conserved within the capacity we have.
There are a few different ways that you can structure your planned gift in your Will. We recommend you use a qualified solicitor to ensure your wishes are recorded properly. Our Legacy Manager would be happy to talk you through the different types of gifts.
If you already have a Will and want to add a gift to Tate, it’s very easy to make this change by using a simple legal document called a codicil. This document acts as an addition to your existing Will.
You don’t need to tell us, but if you feel comfortable sharing your intentions, we’d love the chance to thank you.
We can keep you up to date with how gifts are helping in an annual newsletter and invite to join the 1897 Circle, °Õ²¹³Ù±ð’s honorary Legacy club, as well as invites to other special events.
Gifts to charities are exempt from Inheritance Tax, meaning that leaving a gift to Tate may help reduce your Inheritance Tax liability. If you leave 10% or more of the net value of your estate to charity in your Will, your estate will qualify for Inheritance Tax at the reduced rate of 36% (rather than 40%).
Everyone's tax situation is different. Your solicitor will be able to tell you more about the ways charitable giving may reduce Inheritance Tax on your estate.
Please contact us if you are an executor for a legacy supporting Tate so we can work with you to create a meaningful and personal legacy for the person who has passed away. It is helpful if you can contact us at the start of the administration process so we can help guide you through it. For audit purposes we are required to have a copy of the Will and Grant of Probate on file.
Let us know about your planned gift. It allows us to thank you now by inviting you to join the 1897 Circle.
As part of the 1897 Circle we will keep you up to date with how gifts are helping in an annual newsletter and invitation to a special event at the galleries.
Please contact the Legacy team to find out more.
Contact us
Speak to a member of the Legacy team about planning a gift in your Will today.