You might like Left Right Figure Sketches: Two Groups of a Gentleman with Spectacles Seated at Small Round table Looking at a Book, with Two Children on Either Side of Him Unknown artist, Britain, formerly attributed to Joseph Mallord William Turner date not known Light and Colour (Goethe’s Theory) - the Morning after the Deluge - Moses Writing the Book of Genesis Joseph Mallord William Turner exhibited 1843 Nature Blowing Bubbles for her Children William Hilton the Younger exhibited 1821 Lady with a Book Arthur Boyd Houghton c.1860 The Fallen Angels Entering Pandemonium, from ‘Paradise Lost’, Book 1 Formerly attributed to John Martin ?exhibited 1841 Two Women with a Letter Joseph Mallord William Turner c.1830 Two Recumbent Nude Figures Joseph Mallord William Turner 1828 Two Compositions: A Claudian Seaport and an Open Landscape Joseph Mallord William Turner ³¦.1825–30 Children by a Brook Francis Danby c.1822 Maria Constable with Two of her Children. Verso: Copy after Teniers John Constable c.1820 Title-Page of ‘The Book of Job’ William Blake 1825, reprinted 1874 Three Children Playing Attributed to Sir Thomas Lawrence date not known