

MixTate FaltyDL on Ford Madox Brown

New York-based producer FaltyDL takes inspiration from Ford Madox Brown’s Take Your Son, Sir

Ford Madox Brown
‘Take your Son, Sir’ (?1851–92)

Ford Madox Brown abandoned this painting. Legitimate child or not, the woman and baby feel abandoned as well. Spoken loud and clear, the mirror above the woman is like a halo, however contaminated with the father’s reflected image.

Why does her religious definition need him? What does it have to do with this guy, who would, perhaps, later leave her and her kid? Maybe he thought she existed only with him. Maybe Madox Brown knew his own son would die soon, aged only 10 months, and that is why he couldn’t finish it.

It’s quite a statement if you can draw as much information from missing ink as you can with what is provided. Miles Davis said: ’Don’t play what’s there; play what’s not there.’ I suppose I like paintings as I like my music – with plenty of room for interpretation. Mind you, I can’t even write my own name legibly.


1. E+E - Sword
2. Harry Escott
3. Roly Porter - Birth
4. Dean Blunt - 50 Cent
5. Grouper - Labyrinth
6. Aphex Twin - Father
7. Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason - Cruel Miracles
8. Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason - Hydrogen Sulfide
9. FaltyDL - GA 2 tape outcome.z120583

is a New York-based producer and electronic musician. His fourth album, In The Wild, was released on Ninjatune in 2014.

This mixtape is the fourth in the series.

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