

Delaine Le Bas: ‘It's not a dress rehearsal'

Meet the artist transforming her surroundings into immersive environments that explore themes of identity, grief and renewal

Within her work, Delaine Le Bas transforms her surroundings into monumental immersive environments filled with painted fabrics, theatrical costumes and sculptures. Her art draws on the rich cultural history of the Roma people and mythologies, focusing on themes of death, loss and renewal.

In this film, Le Bas reflects on her identity, grief and the intertwining of art and life as she says: 'My whole life is just one whole thing. I don't think it's divided off, really.... What I'm like and what I dress like, and then what I do. It's like one big piece of work.'

Delaine Le Bas is nominated for the 2024 Turner Prize, hosted by Tate Britain. The winner will be announced on 3 December 2024.

A note on language

British Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Peoples
Gypsy, Roma (or the gender-sensitive term Rom*nja – the female plural term for Roma is Romnja) and Traveller are terms used in the UK to represent several ethnic groups that share certain common historical and social traits. The principal commonality is their history of nomadism. The umbrella term GRT is used officially by the British Government and Travellers’ rights organisations. The English word ‘Gypsy’ is often used in a demeaning way, but many people in the community use the term proudly.

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